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Military Divorce

An Experienced Attorney Can Help You With Your Military Divorce

Divorces are common and since a lot of people are in the military, military divorces are occurring more and more often. Whenever a military family goes through a divorce, it can be more complicated than a civilian divorce. Military families struggle with pension issues and custody problems that other families don’t have to worry about. If you are facing a military divorce and need to consult an attorney for help, call the The Law Patriot today.

Will I Have To Share My Retirement Pension If I Divorce?

In many divorces, a military retirement pension is shared between both spouses. There are some circumstances where the pension is not shared, but there are certain guidelines and restrictions that apply. Your attorney can help you determine if your pension will need to be shared or if there is anyway you can keep it all.

Why Do I Need An Attorney?

When you go to court for your divorce, you can bet that your spouse will try to take advantage of you. Even spouses that get along can have problems when it comes to the actual legal process of the divorce. If you want to make sure that you are treated fairly and have the best chance at winning your case, you need an experienced and dedicated attorney to fight for you.

The The Law Patriot Handles All Types Military Divorce Cases

If you are a military member and are currently going through a divorce, the The Law Patriot can help. You shouldn’t have to deal with the complications of a military divorce on your own and with the The Law Patriot on your side, you don’t have to. Call (772) 888-0883 today.